[ Site-News  ]

Welcome to the new site

All the wonderful things, now brought to you by github

We have moved! But you’re in the right place.

My site has now gone from raspberry pi to aws and is now on github pages. The pi was a bit slow in response, more to do with crappy residential cable internet. AWS wasn’t free (anymore) and I didn’t want to keep leap frogging accounts. This seemed like the next best thing, and also meant no bother with patch management or other admin related tasks.

About the new setup

The “site” lives in a git repo HERE and github has whizbang backend that runs the redirects in the background and offers up the appropriate html. The basis for this to all work is that you’re serving “flat” content. No fancy php or other code that relies on being processed. I can only send your browser code that IT can run loclally on your machine. And honestly, that was the direction I was going with the old site anyway, runnig pico cms.

The Jekyll backend github is using takes markdown, so that part of my workflow hasn’t changed at all, and is my preferred document syntax. Yay!

Going Forward

I can’t promise I’ll update this site more often, but I can say that my skills and experience continue to grow, so there’s no lack of interest in writing on my part. Just setting aside the time is always the challenge. Last August I started with Autodesk and thus far it’s been quite rewarding and I hope to share what I can of the things I’ve picked up since the move. Until then, I bid you adieu.

Written on April 18, 2018