About Me

About Me

Side Note: Anyone remember “A/S/L”?

Basic Facts

  • Name: Nathan Shobe
  • DOB: 07/07/1987
  • Occupation: System(s) Administrator I never know if systems is plural, I mean, I can mange more than one, but it’s a bit pedantic.

Basic Opinions

Like most hard core techies I know, I’m busy enough for many people’s own good. I enjoy what I do for a living, and seems almost an accidental trade.

What I Do

I’m a system administrator, which is essentially not that much different than an office administrator. When I’m doing my job right, most people don’t know what I do, they just see the effects of my work. They don’t have to think about what I do, or at least that’s the goal. Managing people’s passwords and file permissions is the office admin equivalent of having to keep asking for the paper or coffee to be restocked. I keep the machine lubricated, working, with all the proper pieces in the right place. Your home computer might be okay running a bit slow, and if you bring it in for repair they might just reinstall windows, but that’s simply not an option when that computer is providing a service that a company depends upon (like the one that makes sure you get paid).


  1. To find that missing hour in the day
  2. Pursue a career that pays well enough and with a healthy work/life balance to continue providing for my family, as well as my abundant hobbies (within reason of course)
  3. Help my family grow in strength, bonds, and health
  4. Find new adventures, places to see, things to find interest in
  5. Built, maintain, and find new relationships with peers that keep me sharp

Favorite Quips

  • Everyone has a test environment. Some are lucky it’s not production.
  • Want to see how good your puppet code is? Disable SSH.
  • Do you have one server? You need to automate.
  • You can always scale up until you can’t.
  • Systems never stagnate, they’re either moving forward or back.

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