It's a block

If you actually clicked on a blog link, this day in age, I'm sorry. If for some reason you haven't closed your browser window yet, the following will hopefully be a somewhat up to date listing of the blog articles I've posted. You might find it easier to navigate using tags which will take you to posts with the relevant subject matter. Cheers.

Data Has Gravity(AI)

The Obsession: An Introduction to Our Love for Data

Data has always fascinated us, even before the advent of the internet. We’ve been captivated by the idea of storing vast amounts of information digitally, marveling at the possibilities it holds. Our attachment to data stems from our desire to leave a lasting legacy, to pass on knowledge from one generation to another. We believe that through data, we can uncover new wisdom and transform the world. This article explores our obsession with data and the implications it has on our lives.

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Data Has Gravity(original)

The Obsession

Let’s face it. We love data. Even before the internet we had expanding digital storage systems, and we marveled at what percentage of known books could be stored where digitally. That only points to our earlier obsessions with hard copy. We still mourn the loss of the Library of Alexandria, thousands of years later. While we can debate exactly what the root of this is, most can agree that we tie our legacy, or generational success, to our ability to write down and pass on wisdom. Similarly we also see data as a way to find new wisdom and that if we just get enough evidence we can form new thoughts and ideas to transform the world around us (which again, ties back to legacy and the striving of immortality).

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Meet my 280Z

While this will never be an award winning show car, it’s my canvas with which I paint a picture of speed to my heart’s desire.

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Automate or Die

No really, if your company doesn’t have this attitude, they’re bound to be replaced by someone leaner.

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Puppet Sucks

Okay, maybe not really entirely. Hell, I did go to puppetconf 2016 and had a well enough time. But there’s some larger points to be made, and while I feel puppet is my top choice for configuration management currently, we should keep honest about the pitfalls in order to improve the breed.

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Agent or Less

To agent or not

This can be a very heated debate, and I see merits to both sides. So I’m just going to lay out the ground work for those that don’t know the game is being played, as well as maybe help people see that both sides have reason to exist, even if they still want to kill them.

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This is the end. Go away. You probably have friends you're neglecting. Take them to the movies.